Margot Anand Is A Bliss Seeker – How You Can Be One Too
Deepak Chopra said this about her: “Margot Anand has a great understanding of how sexual energy is the creative energy of the universe, and how to use that energy to bring about transformation and healing.” Margot Anand is one of the leading experts on Tantra and I was delighted to have her on my show where we spoke at length about her work and her fascinating life. The author, speaker, trainer and bliss-seeker joined me on The Adiel Gorel Show from her current location in Bali, and we spoke about lovemaking, sexual healing, ancient texts, spirituality, ecstasy and more.
The fascinating story of Margot Anand.
Margot was born to a protestant mother and a Russian orthodox father, has a degree from the Sorbonne, Paris, and worked as a journalist covering American pop culture. So how does someone like her go from that life to the life of a seeker and guide, and an expert in ancient sexual history? When I pose her this question, Margot speaks about her first sexual encounter as a spiritual, ecstatic, transcendental moment. She experienced something she describes as ‘totally cosmic orgasm’. It was a moment of enlightenment. That moment transcended all boundaries of culture, nation, language, and she became convinced about the spiritual element of sexuality.
And thus began Margot’s 30 year long journey as a seeker of bliss, and someone who made it the mission of her life to help others find their own bliss. She did a deep study of ancient tantric texts, the conversations between the Indian gods Shiva and Shakti, and more. She envisioned a sexual philosophy that positioned men and women as equals. Margot was a disciple of the well-known Indian guru Osho Rajneesh, and she also taught tantra at his ashram in Pune. She is credited with introducing tantra and neotantra to the West, and with creation of the practice of SkyDancing Tantra.
Peeling away the layers of sexuality.
Margot speaks of the similarities and the differences between male and female sexuality. A woman is multi-orgasmic but is gradual in the way that she reaches her peak. Men on the other hand are in more of a hurry. So, both men and women need to be educated in these matters to avoid conflict and achieve fulfillment. She also speaks about the repression and guilt that surrounds the act of lovemaking and its association with ‘original sin’. She rubbishes the idea that we are all born of sin; that we are all supposed to be sinners even before we are born.
Margot has developed love and ecstasy training programs that can be accessed by people in different parts of the world. Couples and singles can learn about the exchange of energy in the yoga of love, and how to be a tantric lover.
In the episode, Margot also speaks about the Kalchakra transmission by the Dalai Lama, spirituality in sex, something she calls heart-gasm, as well as people like Jeffery Epstein addicted to sex. Go here to listen to the podcast and here to watch the video.