How Artificial Light Impacts Cell Mitochondria – And What to Do About It
I had a fascinating guest on The Adiel Gorel Show recently – a researcher and product creator who got to the bottom of his own health issues and resolved them. Roudy Nassif is the co-founder of VivaRays – the world’s first 3-lens blue light management glasses. He went deep into the science of light, and how artificial light negatively impacts our health, mood and wellness. Roudy shared the story of his journey with me – an enlightening and interesting conversation.
Roudy’s story.
Roudy was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, and had to deal with agitation, problems focusing, headaches and so on. Even as an adult, he had difficulty getting quality sleep and found himself awakening depressed and exhausted day after day. The chronic fatigue and mood issues impacted relationships and his professional life as well. He consulted with holistic doctors, tried meditation and herbal supplements, but nothing seemed to help. He still felt wired and stimulated at night, and exhausted and depressed each morning.
Then, a few weeks spent camping in rural Quebec were life-changing for him. For the first time in his life, he was not around artificial light sources – it was the sun during the day and candlelight in the evening. Within just three days, Roudy found that he could wind down and sleep by sunset and wake up refreshed, rested and full of energy before sunrise. The days full of activities like swimming, hiking, dancing and studying were some of the most productive of his life. When back in the city, he was again back to chronic fatigue and depression. This is when he realized how his environment could be impacting his wellness – and his whole life.
How light impacts cell mitochondria.
This is when Roudy started to study human circadian rhythms, quantum physics and quantum biology. He consulted with experts in the field and developed an understanding into the way that natural and artificial light impacts human beings – our productivity, sleep cycle & quality, moods and general wellbeing. He studied the works of Albert Einstein, Dr. Andrew Huberman, his mentor Dr. Jack Cruz, and biochemist and Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Györgyi to arrive at his conclusions. He started to understand how our cell mitochondria work to interact with the environment, produce energy, and are responsible for metabolic functions, healing, and health and wellbeing.
The fact is that we all live in artificial environments where we don’t get sufficient exposure to natural light. We spend time in climate controlled indoor spaces with artificial light. This is a significant problem. Over the years, humans have evolved to respond to natural light – with the sunrise signaling productivity and wakefulness, and sunset activating the hormones that make us sleepy.
The fact is that artificial lights and the blue light emitted by gadgets are difficult to avoid. So, what can we do about this? Roudy explains why he found existing products that claim to cut blue light to be inadequate, which led to the creation of VivaRays. Join us as I speak with Roudy about optimal ways to deal with and live with artificial light in a way that isn’t detrimental for health and wellbeing.